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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Fracture in Metals: Insights from Experiments and Modeling Across Length and Time Scales
Organizer(s) Abigail Hunter, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Nithin Mathew, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Janel Chua, Carnegie Mellon University
Scope Much research has been done in the past several decades, using both experiments and a wide-variety of modeling techniques, to investigate damage evolution and fracture. However, it is still extremely difficult to reliably predict material failure in metals and alloys. One key challenge to developing predictive tools that can capture material failure is that damage evolution is inherently coupled with other physics, such as dislocation-mediated plasticity and twinning. Moreover microstructural features, solutes, and impurities also impact the evolution of damage. This symposium aims to address this challenge by bringing together researchers and experts from various disciplines to discuss cutting-edge experimental and theoretical contributions that deepen our understanding of ductile and brittle fracture in metals and alloys. We are therefore seeking contributions of experiments and theoretical modeling that would help advance mechanistic understanding of fracture in metals, and also how to better predict material failure. As this is a multi-scale problem, submissions that address this problem across all time and length scales, and novel techniques to span across length and time scales are welcome. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): in-situ experimental results, numerical simulations of dislocation dynamics and its interaction with fracture, multi-scale modeling for predicting fracture initiation and propagation, methods that investigate the role of microstructure on fracture/damage nucleation and propagation, approaches that can help to elucidate the coupling between plasticity and fracture/damage, combined experimental and numerical studies addressing damage evolution and failure, studies that address uncertainty in predicting material failure, and studies that address fracture/damage nucleation and propagation under complex loading conditions, such as high rate loading, radiation, high temperatures or pressures, combined loading conditions, etc.
Abstracts Due 05/15/2024
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