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Conference Tools for Materials Science & Technology 2020
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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Cancelled 6/3: Synthesis and Characterization of Boron-rich Icosahedral Ceramics
Sponsorship ACerS Engineering Ceramics Division
ACerS Basic Science Division
Organizer(s) Ghatu Subhash, University of Florida
Cody Kunka, Sandia National Laboratories
Taylor Shoulders, U.S. Army Research Laboratory
Scope Icosahedral ceramics such as boron carbide, boron suboxide and boron-aluminum-magnesium (BAM) compounds are some of the hardest materials used for a variety applications including armor, polishing media, machine tools and wear-resistance nozzles. This symposium is dedicated to the latest theoretical and experimental developments in their processing-structure-property relationships as well as mechanical behavior at a range of strain rates, pressures and temperatures. In recent years, significant advances have been reported on atomistic modeling and in particular, the analysis of amorphization behavior at high-pressure and temperature. Contributions are sought in all areas of modeling, mechanical response, characterization and processing.
Abstracts Due 05/31/2020
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