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About this Symposium
Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Solid-state Optical Materials and Luminescence Properties
Sponsorship ACerS Basic Science Division
Organizer(s) Yiquan Wu, Alfred University
Jas S. Sanghera, Naval Research Laboratory
Akio Ikesue, World-Lab. Co., Ltd
Rong-Jun Xie, Xiamen University
Mathieu Allix, Laboratoire CEMHTI
Liangbi Su, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics
Dariusz Hreniak, Polish Academy of Sciences
Jan Hostaša, CNR ISSMC - Institute of Science, Technology and Sustainability for Ceramics
Scope Solid-state materials, including glass-ceramics, transparent polycrystalline and amorphous materials, and single-crystals, have a wide range of important and emerging applications in the fields of optoelectronics, optics, photonics, defense protection, telecommunication, bioengineering, healthcare and sustainable energy. The symposium is aimed at providing a forum for researchers, students, and entrepreneurs to present and discuss their recent scientific results and ideas on a wide variety of topics related to science, engineering and technology issues associated with solid-state optical materials and luminescence properties. The topics will be focused on the fundamental issues to help us advance our understanding and utilizations of advanced optical and photonic materials and related-devices applied to sustainable environment, healthcare, and energy.

1. Functionality of optical crystalline and amorphous materials
2. Fundamental science of optical transparent materials
3. Photonic and optical solid state materials
4. Novel optical materials design and mechanical properties
5. Advanced processing of optical materials and devices
6. Materials for scintillators and spectroscopy
7. Optoelectronic and magneto-optical materials
8. Crystalline and amorphous laser materials
9. Optical materials for bioengineering and sustainable energy
10. Ceramic and glass luminescence materials and applications
11. Optical and photonic fiber materials and applications
12. Ultra-violet and mid-infrared application of optical materials
13. Modeling and theory computation of optical materials
14. Optical and photonic materials for environment, healthcare and energy
15. Future advanced optical and photonic materials

Abstracts Due 05/15/2024
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