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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Additive Manufacturing: Microstructure and Material Properties of Al-based Alloys
Organizer(s) Prashanth Konda Gokuldoss, Tallinn University of Technology
Zhi Wang, South China University of Technology
Juergen Eckert, MontanUniversitat / Erich Schmid Institute of Materials Science
Filippo Berto, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Scope Additive Manufacturing (AM) is gaining significant attention due to its ability to process materials with added functionalities and complex shapes, which otherwise is not possible with conventional manufacturing technologies. However, these AM processes have unique processing conditions that lead to non-equilibrium microstructure and hence unique properties.

This symposium is devoted to the processing of Al-based alloys by AM. Al and its alloys have several industrial applications right from aeronautical, automobile, constructoin sectors, etc. Hence, there is no surprise that Al-based alloys were extensively studied by AM especially AlSi10Mg and Al12Si. Since, new Al-based alloys were explored in the recent days and interesting properties were realized, the present symposium will focus on (but not limited to) the alloy development, microstructural-property correlation, structural integrity aspects, etc.

Abstracts Due 03/15/2020
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