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About this Symposium
Meeting MS&T22: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium CANCELLED: Materials Engineering to Address Humanitarian Challenges
Sponsorship ACerS President’s Council of Student Advisors
Organizer(s) Michael Walden, Colorado School of Mines
Kimberly Gliebe, Case Western Reserve University
Scope The Humanitarian Symposium should bring together people interested in humanitarian projects and shed light on the ideas and issues necessary for implementing such projects. Solutions to humanitarian issues are critical to our world and require materials knowledge for the tight constraints such as inexpensive and abundant materials, ease of use, sustainability, etc. This symposium will highlight researchers in this area, bring light to those who have experience working in areas of need, and support students passionate about this area.

Prospective Speakers:
This Symposium shall invite as speakers any researcher working in the area of Humanitarian Engineering, leveraging the ACerS Humanitarian Activities Network. Also invited shall be leaders of organizations involved in humanitarian projects, such as Engineers Without Borders and Global Brigades. Speakers in the symposium will be welcome to speak not only to the materials science aspect of humanitarian engineering, but also more broadly to the challenges associated with the creation and continuance of humanitarian projects. Student speakers in the 2020 iteration of this symposium addressed the challenges of securing funding, traveling abroad, and working with non-technical collaborators.

Abstracts Due 05/15/2022
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