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About this Symposium
Meeting MS&T22: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Dynamic Behavior of Materials: Experiments and Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Sponsorship TMS: Computational Materials Science and Engineering Committee
Organizer(s) Ghatu Subhash, University of Florida
Douglas E. Spearot, University of Florida
Scope This symposium focusses on high strain rate behavior of materials with particular emphasis on shock behavior of a wide variety of metals, ceramics and soft biological materials. In recent years, significant advances have been made in modeling, experimentation and characterization of the deformation behavior of novel materials and the symposium offers an avenue to disseminate these findings. Material behavior pertaining to wide range of strain rates from 10^3 s^-1 and above are of interest. In particular, investigations using molecular dynamic (MD) simulations of shock behavior of materials and comparison to experimental results are encouraged.
Abstracts Due 05/15/2022

A Molecular Dynamics Study of the Effect of an Oxide Layer on the High Velocity Deposition of Tantalum Nanoparticles
Atomic Simulations of Shock Wave Propagation in Polymers and Their Interfaces
Exploring Thermal, Mechanical, and Electrical Shock via In-situ Electron Microscopy
Mechanical Properties in Thermally Processed Ag-Cu-Ni Nanoclusters: Effect of Surface Composition and Core-shell Morphology Using Hybrid Monte Carlo/Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Micro Cold Spray of Zinc Oxide Films
Phase Transformation in Cu
Scaling up Molecular Dynamics Simulations of High Velocity Particle Impacts
Shock-induced Spallation in Monocrystalline Boron Carbide
Shock Compression of CuxZr100-x Metallic Glasses
Structure / Property (Constitutive and Dynamic Strength / Damage) Characterization of Single-Phase FeAl

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