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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Cancelled 6/16: Mechanics of Materials for Energy Storage, Conservation, and Conversion
Organizer(s) Sankha Mukherjee, University of Toronto
Chandra Veer Singh, University of Toronto
Tobin Fileter, University of Toronto
Scope With growing use of advanced systems for energy storage, conversion, and conservation underlying mechanics of materials emerge as a key factor for achieving increased efficiencies, better capacities and reliability. This symposium invites specialists in the fields of materials sciences, mechanics, physics, chemistry and chemical engineering working towards energy conversion, storage, and harvesting. Broadly, topics for the sessions will include aspects related to mechanics faced in rechargeable batteries, supercapacitors, fuel cells, catalysis, thermoelectrics, photovoltaics, biotechnology and electronics.

The scope of the sessions will contain (but not limited to), the following subjects:
• In-situ characterisation of mechanical properties of rechargeable batteries
• Experimental and theoretical modelling of mechanical properties of interfaces, channels in advanced energy devices
• Dynamic (fatigue) and high temperature (creep) mechanical properties of materials for renewable energy
• Energy harvesting and damping in micro/nano-electromechanical systems (MEMS, NEMS)
• Hydrogen storage, CO2 reduction
• Tribology and wear of thin films
• Failure mechanisms and reliability related issues in rechargeable batteries, thermoelectrics
• Failure, reliability issues in photovoltaics, super capacitors

Abstracts Due 05/31/2020
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