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About this Symposium
Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Merged - High Strength in Steel: Advances and Tradeoffs
Organizer(s) Alla V. Sergueeva, NanoSteel Company Inc
Daniel J Branagan, The NanoSteel Company
Scope In the last decade, the steel industry has been making a sustained effort to fulfill the needs of modern technological progress in continuously growing demand for strength enhancement. There are several existing strategies that are being pursued towards this goal, however, challenges still exist in both steel production, and resulting utilization. Increases in strength typically come with decreases in ductility, formability, and toughness. This Symposium will focus on recent achievements in advanced high strength steel (AHSS) and ultra-high strength steel (UHSS) development towards advanced property combinations and/or fulfilling the requirements for specific applications. Proposed theme areas are comprehensively targeted to include; new types / classes / grades of AHSS and UHSS steel, new approaches to alloying and microstructural design, challenges in commercial steel production and post processing, and opportunities for utilization of these new and emerging AHSS and UHSS grades. The aim of this Symposium is to foster interaction and communication between materials scientists, designers, and end users to share achievements and advancements in steel properties and performance towards expanding the usage, implementation and impact of these new steel grades.
Abstracts Due 03/15/2020
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