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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Advanced Steel Metallurgy
Organizer(s) Chirag R. Mahimkar, Big River Steel
Justin P. Raines, SSAB Americas
Kip O. Findley, Colorado School of Mines
Alla V. Sergueeva, NanoSteel Company Inc
Daniel Branagan, The NanoSteel Co
Scope This Symposium will focus on recent achievements in advanced steel development, innovations in steel production and post-processing and perspectives for steel application. The steel industry has been making a sustained effort to innovate and create advanced steels and production methods to fulfill the needs of modern technological progress for materials with continuously growing demand for property enhancement. There are a number of existing strategies that are being pursued towards this goal in areas such as automotive sheet steel, pipe and tubular products, wear plate, and forged products. In addition to existing and emerging strategies for microstructural and metallurgical design (including alloying and processing, microstructural design, microstructure/processing/property correlation), this symposium will also include recent developments in steel characterization methods, simulation, and modeling of metallurgical phenomena. Sheet, plate, long products, and finished components will all be addressed. Its goal is to educate, inform, and accelerate the development and acceptance of new concepts and methodologies in steel design, development, and implementation enabled through novel routes toward steel processing, production, microstructural characterization, and testing.

Proposed theme areas include but not limited to:

- Emerging technologies, challenges, and opportunities
- Liquid and solid steel product metallurgy
- Advanced steel characterization methods
- Simulations and modeling of metallurgical phenomena and technological processing
- Novel property combinations
- Innovations in steel products and applications

Abstracts Due 05/31/2020

Digital Innovative Design (DID) for Reliable Casting Performance of Steel Castings
Double-Twist Torsion Testing to Assess Partial Recrystallization in Microalloyed Steels
Effect of Coiling and Annealing Temperature on Nb precipitation, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of HSLA
Microstructure Characterization and Post-heat Treatment Design for High-Strength Low-alloy Steels Strengthened with Fe2SiTi-L21 Precipitates
Microstructure Property Relationships of Al- alloyed Medium Manganese Steels
Modeling and Experimental Validation of the Precipitation Kinetics of Vanadium Carbide in Austenitic Steel
Modelling of Precipitation and Grain Growth in Ti-Nb Microalloyed Steels
Relationship between Microstructure and Tensile Properties on High Strength Medium Carbon Mo-Nb-B Microalloyed Q/Q&T Steels
Silicide Strengthened Ferritic Alloy - A New Method of Wear Protection in Nuclear Environments
Strain Aging Embrittlement of Structural Steel
Study of the Effect of Accumulative Angular Drawing Process Conditions on Grain Refinement in Selected Stainless Steel Grade
Triple Nano-precipitate Strengthened Austenitic Steel

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