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About this Symposium
Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Low Density Advanced Composite Materials
Sponsorship TMS Composite Materials Committee
Organizer(s) Ioannis N. Mastorakos, Clarkson University
Brian Wisner, Ohio University
David F. Bahr, Purdue University
Scope Lightweight materials are a vital part of many current and future technologies. Their uses span a broad range of applications and they are important in many industries including aerospace, automotive, defense, and the renewable, alternative and hydrogen energy sectors. While light weighting can be achieved through a range of means, this symposium focuses on composite systems, made from two or more constituents that combined produce materials with advanced properties while maintaining a low weight. The objective of this symposium is to present and discuss the novel design, modeling, manufacturing, characterization, and testing methods of lightweight composite materials. Talks that discuss new materials or provide a new understanding of existing materials are welcome. There are specific topics of interest, but the symposium will consider any work on low-density composites.

The topics of this symposium include:

• Composite materials for energy, defense, medical and aerospace applications
• Metallic foam and nanofoam materials
• Polymer-based composite materials
• Lightweight nanocomposite materials
• Fiber reinforced materials
• Multifunctional materials

Abstracts Due 05/31/2020

Composite Graphitization by Directing Interfacial Nanostructure Using Graphene
Effect of Battery Charge-discharge Cycles on the Mechanical Behavior of Porous Polyethylene Separators

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