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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Merged: Additive Manufacturing of Ceramic-based Materials
Organizer(s) Nahum Travitzky, University of Erlangen-Nuernberg
Rajendra K. Bordia, Clemson University
Scope The wide-use of advanced ceramic-based materials depends on the availability of industrial processing routes to fabricate parts with required geometries. Owing to the limitations of current methods to produce complex shaped ceramic parts with the desired microstructures and properties, Additive Manufacturing (AM) is becoming increasingly important. AM also offers the ability make multi-material part and has the flexibility to spatially vary the composition and microstructure in the fabricated component to meet the design requirements. This symposium deals with different AM technologies for ceramics, and glasses (and their composites) based on a range of methods including but not limited to 3D-Printing, Laminated Object Manufacturing, Extrusion Free Forming, and Selective Laser Sintering. Techniques to make micro- and macro-sized dense and cellular structural and functional ceramic-based bodies are of interest. In addition to processing, the properties, surface roughness and accuracy and reproducibility of the fabricated parts is of interest.
Abstracts Due 03/15/2020
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