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Conference Tools for 13th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity (ICTP 2021)
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About this Symposium
Meeting 13th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity (ICTP 2021)
Symposium ICTP 2020 Late News Poster Session
Organizer(s) Glenn S. Daehn, Ohio State University
Anupam Vivek, The Ohio State University
Scope The International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity (ICTP) represents one of the biggest international events in metal forming technology. ICTP2020 attendees will provide presentations on a variety of metal forming topics, including improvements and innovations in all major areas of the technology and science of metal forming. Although the organizers will fully develop the technical program, some topical areas will likely include forming processes, materials characterization and testing, computational modeling, and process control. An underlying theme of ICTP2020 will be sustained manufacturing, as it relates to metal forming. Presentations that show a direct impact on industrial applications as well as fundamental science underpinnings will be encouraged. An emphasis on collaborative work will seek to further promote links between government organizations and institutes, academia, and industry (both producers and users of formed products). This 2020 event builds upon the solid foundation provided in the first twelve iterations of this international conference, which was founded in 1984, has been held every three years since, and has often been referred to as the “Olympics of Metal Forming”.
Abstracts Due 04/30/2020
Proceedings Plan Definite: Other
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