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About this Symposium
Meeting MS&T21: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Journal of the American Ceramic Society Awards Symposium
Sponsorship ACerS
Organizer(s) William G. Fahrenholtz, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Scope This symposium will recognize authors from the Journal of the American Ceramic Society. Papers published in the previous volume will be selected to identify the best papers, the most highly cited papers, graduate student authors, new authors, papers in emerging research areas, and other papers that have had an impact on the field of ceramic science. This will be an invitation only symposium so that all presentations will be invited. Each invited lecture will be based on a published paper and the authors will receive recognition for their accomplishments. We anticipate having all of the presentations be 30 min in length.
Abstracts Due 04/15/2021

A Novel Strategy to Strengthen Alumina-carbon Refractories for Flow Control of Molten Steel
A Thermodynamics-guided Framework to Design Spherical Lightweight Aggregate from Waste Coal Combustion Ash
Direct Ink Writing (DIW) of Hierarchical Porous Alumina Stabilized Emulsions: Rheology and Printability
Domain Walls in Ferroelectrics
Effect of Moisture on the Oxidation Behaviour of ZrB2.
In-Situ Resistance Degradation & Switching of Bulk YSZ & STO Single Crystals
Processing of MAX Phases: From Synthesis to Applications
Relaxor Characteristics and Electromechanical Response under High Field for Sodium BismuthTtitanate-based Ceramics

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