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Meeting MS&T21: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Mechanistic Insights into the Synergistic Properties of Nanocomposites
Sponsorship ACerS Basic Science Division
ACerS Bioceramics Division
ACerS Engineering Ceramics Division
Organizer(s) Vuk Uskokovic, University of California
Dragan P. Uskokovic, Institute of Technical Sciences of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Scope The future of all fields of materials science and engineering largely belongs to multifunctional nanocomposites. Thanks to the complex interactions at the interface, such materials often exhibit interesting synergies where weaknesses of each component are compensated by the strengths of others. Bone as a nanocomposite exemplifies this effect, with the hydroxyapatite component imparting high elastic modulus and compressive strength to the material and collagen compensating for the poor fracture toughness, low fatigue strength and brittleness of hydroxyapatite. This symposium is open to presentations on insights into the mechanisms by which phases in nanocomposite materials interact to create functional synergies. Fundamental understanding of these effects is expected to drive the field toward new applications. Topics include, but are not limited to:

• Controlled synthesis and processing of nanocomposites with synergistic combinations of properties;
• High-resolution tools for probing the interfacial processes in hybrid materials;
• Integration of material components into multifunctional devices;
• Theranostic and other biomaterials with synergistic characteristics;
• Computational modeling and simulation of phase boundary phenomena.

Abstracts Due 04/15/2021

Laser-deposited Films Containing Silver Nanoparticles for Antimicrobial Applications
Synergistic Effect of SiC and Carbon-based Flame Retardant Additives on Mechanical and Thermal Stability of Polypropylene Based Nanocomposites

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