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Meeting MS&T23: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Steels for Sustainable Development II
Sponsorship TMS: Steels Committee
Organizer(s) Jonah Klemm-Toole, Colorado School of Mines
Kester D. Clarke, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Ian Zuazo, ArcelorMittal Global R&D - Industeel
Matthias Militzer, University of British Columbia
Ana Araujo, Vesuvius USA
Mahesh Chandra Somani, University of Oulu
Ilchat Sabirov, Imdea Materials Institute
Scope Steels are the most widely used and cost-effective structural alloy in modern society, and they will therefore have an important role to play as we move towards more energy efficient and decarbonized technologies. From alloy design, through production, to application, significant steel research is being conducted to enable a sustainable future. Engineered microstructures in various novel steel concepts normally comprise of two or more phases, often divided to nanometer level with various functionalities.

This symposium focuses on efforts to design, produce, and apply steels for higher energy efficiencies and lower emissions such as, but not limited to:

* Designing new steel compositions or processing technologies that can allow production with less energy and lower emissions
* Steel alloy and processing developments that enable more extreme temperatures and stresses in service
* Steels for extreme environments such as high-pressure hydrogen or liquid hydrogen at very low temperatures or in contact with hydrogen carriers
* Low density steels for light weighting applications
* Steels for electric cars, for renewables, CO2 storage/transmission, etc.
* Advanced high strength steels for structural and wear-resistant applications (automotive, shipbuilding, construction, rail transport, infrastructure, aerospace, earth-moving equipment, mining, etc.)

Abstracts Due 05/08/2023

Coating-free Press Hardening Steels with Low Carbon Footprint
Effect of Strength on Fracture Toughness of Line Pipe Steel Under High Pressure Hydrogen Environment
Effects of Enriched Copper Content on the Welding Behavior of Scrap-based Low Carbon Steels
Enabling the Design of Industrial Heat Treatments with Induction-coupled Thermomagnetic Processing Using Multiscale Modeling and Simulation
G-11: Effect of Cooling Rate and Tempering Temperature on Hydrogen Embrittlement of Tempered Martensitic Steel for High-pressure Hydrogen Storage
Investigation of Microstructure and Fracture Performance of 9 wt.% Nickel Steel for Application Laser Arc Hybrid Welding
Microstructural Engineering and Accelerated Test Method Development to Achieve Low Cost, High Performance Solutions for Hydrogen Storage and Delivery
Mitigating Cu-induced Hot-shortness in Recycled Steel Products through Thermomechanical Processing
Simulation of Accelerated Cooling of Thick Steel Products
The Relationship Between Microstructure and Mechanical Properties in the Coarse-grain Heat-affected Zone of Line Pipe Steels

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