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About this Symposium
Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Cancelled 6/9: Career Development in Materials Science and Engineering: Guidance for the Future
Sponsorship ACerS: Young Professionals Network
Organizer(s) Charmayne E. Lonergan, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Kelley Wilkerson, Missouri University of Science and Technology
David Poerschke, University of Minnesota
Yuxuan Gong, Owens Corning
Gyanender Singh, University of Tennessee Knoxville
Scope This symposium will cover topics that can significantly impact careers in material science and engineering (MSE). The primary goal is to shine light on various opportunities for careers in MSE as well as important discussions of skills that heavily impact career progression. Such topics include careers in industry, national laboratories, and academia as well as writing proposals, networking, avoiding plagiarism, publishing etiquette, and more. Speakers will share experiences and advice to help provide tools for success to undergraduates and young professionals including what to expect on various job paths, travel opportunities and potential jobs and responsibilities. The goals of this session are to explore, with students, critical topics that can impact career development and show career opportunities.
Abstracts Due 05/31/2020
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