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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Applications of Modern Characterization Techniques to Ferrous Alloys and Steel Products
Organizer(s) Steven William Thompson, Colorado School of Mines
Calixto I. Garcia, University of Pittsburgh
Scope The purpose of this symposium is to facilitate the exchange of information obtained from applications of modern analytical laboratory techniques that reveal fine-scale structural, crystallographic, and chemical information about ferrous alloys and steel products. For this symposium we particularly seek contributions from various microscopy, spectroscopy, and diffraction techniques. Our goal is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas about how best to characterize the complex internal, fine-scale structures of modern steels and also the application of novel methods of characterization that may not be widely known or utilized. The symposium is meant to focus on tools and procedural developments needed to achieve desirable outcomes from such analyses without necessarily a direct emphasis on properties, performance, and processing of steel products. Well-crafted overviews are also encouraged.
Abstracts Due 05/31/2020

Photons, Electrons, and X-rays: A New Platform for Rapid Imaging and Characterization of Engineering Materials

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